Lingbao Great Laws And Highest Teachings: Volume #1 - Final Edition
The following presentation is the first of three installments of the “Lingbao Great Laws and Highest Teachings” (Lingbao Wuliang Duren Shangjing Dafa). Included in this first installment are the translations and esoteric commentaries surrounding chapters 1-24 of the original 72 Volume text.
Although the original authors of these 72 volumes are unknown, the “Lingbao Shangjing Dafa” is based on new interpretations of the “Lingbao Wuliang Duren Shangpin Miaojing” which was written during the 5th century. As such, these mystical teachings begin with instructions on making and using talismans, absorbing radiant essences, and sending up petitions while interacting with the upper celestial realm. They then address special rites of confession, how to energetically fuse with the radiant light of the immortals, how to use aides to navigate the celestial realm, how to perform various transformation rituals, and how to effectively exorcise demons. The final sections explain the special rituals used for freeing the lost souls of the dead.
Because the content is mainly composed of many of the early Tianzhuan, Yunzhuan, and Fuzhuan Daoist folk magic rituals, many of the mystical teachings were passed down from master to disciple throughout the ages before being written down and archived for future generations. One Daoist scholar writes that many of these special methods originate from the ancient Three Caves teachings, which focus on manifesting and controlling various mystical powers within the realm of man.
The three new volumes of the “Lingbao Great Laws and Highest Teachings,” along with the three “Jade Mirror of Lingbao Daoist Magic” book series, provide a seeker of truth with a powerful foundation into the early mystical teachings of the ancient Lingbao Daoist sages. Therefore, in modern times, these two unique works are often presented side-by-side for study, as they were both written by Masters of the Lingbao Daoist lineage in the 12th century (Song Dynasty) and were each developed from the same source material.
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