Volumes 1 – 5 The Secret Teachings of Chinese Energetic Medicine
Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy: The Secret Teachings of Chinese Energetic Medicine: Volumes 1, 2,3,4 & Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy: Volumes 5.
The information contained within the Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy: A Comprehensive Clinical Text has currently been tripled, and formatted into five exciting new textbooks. The five new Medical Qigong textbooks are composed of both modern and ancient knowledge, graphics, and expanded techniques, guaranteed to fascinate and intrigue the reader. Never before in the history of Chinese Medicine has a textbook series been made available to the public that includes such comprehensive and thorough understandings on ancient Chinese energetic healing techniques.
Written by an internationally recognized Grand Master of Martial, Medical, and Spiritual Qigong training, this five textbook series (often referred to as the “Medical Qigong Encyclopedia”) provides the first complete explanation of ancient Chinese esoteric theory that has for centuries eluded and confounded the West.
Testimonies about Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson’s new Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy Book Series:
As always in life, who we turn to when we want to learn something can have a crucial influence on the outcome. Professor Jerry Alan Johnson is an outstanding teacher and practitioner of Medical Qigong. He combines a most thorough grounding in the tradition (having studied and practiced extensively in China) with the more Western skills of clear and methodical explanation. Added to this, his great passion for the subject and his ability to work with intense dedication has enabled him to produce what can only be called a masterwork. Nothing else published in English begins to compare with Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy textbook series.
Peter Deadman, Lic.Ac.
Founder of The Journal of Chinese Medicine,
Brighton, England
Author of A Manual of Acupuncture
There are a number of excellent books on various aspects and methods of Qigong. However, there has not been, in English, a comprehensive exploration of Medical Qigong. Dr. Johnson has created a breakthrough work on Medical Qigong, which is a clear and useful revelation of the Medical Qigong curriculum at the Hai Dian University Medical Qigong College of Beijing, China, and an excellent synthesis of Medical Qigong theory from throughout China. This textbook series will very likely remain the definitive compendium of Medical Qigong in the West for many years, and become the foundation from which the field of Medical Qigong will evolve in Western society.
Roger Jahnke, O.M.D.
Chair, Department of Medical Qigong
Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine
Author of The Healer Within: The Four Essential Self-Care Methods
For Creating Optimal Health, The Healing Promise of Qi
This massive compendium on Medical Qigong therapy is a veritable encyclopedia on the subject. Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson’s textbooks, well recognized and greatly revered, are in many ways the professional standard. Unlike many Traditional Chinese Medicine works, they also include numerous selections on the mind and emotional states, as well as on spiritual aspects of the practice, such as the soul and spirit, the stars, magical diagrams, and the Yi Jing. They are a valuable resource on Medical Qigong therapy and practice, and contain information on numerous issues and problems. The scope is admirable, the execution with its many illustrations highly recommendable. These volumes are a treasure trove and serve well as a reference work for students and practitioners.
Livia Kohn, Ph.D.,
Professor of Religion and East Asian Studies
Boston University, United States
Today, I salute the publication of a magnus opus, with an exhaustive description of Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy. These five volumes are a statement of the energetic treatments and clinical protocols which have found great hope in both curative and palliative Qigong. One would have expected such publications from Chinese experts, and yet to this day, no work of such amplitude has ever come forth, neither in China nor in the West.
Professor Jerry Alan Johnson’s merit is to have brought forth the most complete traditional and particularly Daoist methods of Medical Qigong Therapy. This largely surpasses the structure of the simple outline of gymnastic health exercises, fully expanding toward the fields of physiology, psychology, and spirituality. In addition, all of the therapeutic aspects of Medical Qigong are also evoked with respect to the particular needs of the practitioners of this discipline. We can add that the theoretical aspects of these works go largely beyond the simple framework of Traditional Chinese Medicine, reaching the esoteric, metaphysical and spiritual roots of this art.
Professor Gérard Edde, Ph.D.
Director of Daoist Studies,
L’Institut Dragon Celeste, France
Author of Contes du Tao Sauvage; Le Chemin du Tao; Tao et Santé; Santé et
Méditation dans l’énergétique Chinoise; Digiponcture Taoiste; Qigong de la
Régénértion des Moelles; La Medicina Ayurvedica; Chakras y Salud: La
Medicina Tantrica de los Centros de Energia
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