Secret Teachings of Chinese Energetic Medicine – Vol.5
Volume 5 - The Secret Teachings of Chinese Energetic Medicine - An Energetic Approach to Oncology, Gynecology, Neurology, Geriatrics, Pediatrics, and Psychology
Never before in the history of Chinese Energetic Medicine has a book been made available to the public that includes such comprehensive and thorough understandings on ancient Chinese healing techniques. Written by an internationally recognized Professor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Grand Master of Daoist Internal Martial Arts, and Senior Abbot of the Tian Yun Gong Daoist Monastery, this five textbook series provides the first complete explanation of ancient esoteric Chinese Theory, that has for centuries eluded and confounded the West. The addition of ancient Daoist Charts, Graphs, and many Illustrations provides a deeper, more comprehensive visual model for the reader. This fifth textbook includes in-depth detailed teachings of Daoist esoteric theories and the practical applications of ancient Chinese Energetic Medicine. The key features of this fifth textbook include the following:
-Medical Qigong Therapy & Cancer Treatment
-Introduction to Cancer Clinical Protocols
-Social Oncology for Cancer Treatment
-Qigong Therapy, Radiation, and Chemotherapy
-Medical Qigong and Treating Brain Cancer
-Medical Qigong and Treating Blood Cancer
-Medical Qigong Therapy and Gynecology
-Medical Qigong For Treating Breast Diseases
-Treating Ovarian, Uterine, & Cervical Tumors
-Medical Qigong Therapy and Neurology
-Treating Various Types of Stroke
-Treating Various Types of Coma
-Medical Qigong Therapy And Geriatrics
-Treating Various Types of Dementia
-Treating Various Types of Arthritis
-Medical Qigong Therapy and Pediatrics
-Etiology of Diseased Conditions within the Womb
-Etiology of Diseased Conditions During Childhood
-Medical Qigong Therapy & Energetic Psychology
• Effects of Thoughts and Emotions on the Body’s Tissues
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